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What Are the Temperature and Humidity For Drying Cannabis?

No matter the location for drying cannabis, some key elements must be kept in mind to achieve maximum success. Temperature and humidity play an integral part in maintaining cannabinoids as well as aromatic compounds known as terpenes; otherwise they will be destroyed, leading to subpar products with unfavorable aromas and reduced potency.

An ideal environment for cannabis drying is a dark room at 60-70degF with 45-55% humidity and indirect airflow, maintaining temperatures between 60-7odegF and 45-55% relative humidity. Lower temperatures help preserve delicate terpenes while slowing metabolic processes that transfer sugars from plant leaves into buds.

Humidity levels must remain optimal to avoid mold growth and allow plants to dry evenly. Too much humidity, however, may prolong drying periods and cause buds to develop fungi; so it is vital that humidity levels be adjusted as necessary until reaching your ideal range.

Once you’ve reached ideal drying conditions, it’s time to store your cannabis. One way of telling whether or not they’re ready is a simple test: Squish one between your fingers; if it stays soft and spongy after this motion, more time should be allowed for moisture evaporation.

To maximize the quality of your cannabis, ensure you use food-grade certified trays and tools when harvesting or trimming. This will prevent contamination while making stem removal easy during harvesting or trimming.