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What Plant Looks Like Marijuana

Cannabis stands out as an iconic plant, yet shares many characteristics with many other plants. Herbs, trees and even vegetables resembling cannabis may share its appearance; however, these do not produce the same benefits or side effects. Therefore, it’s crucial that you know which other plants look similar so as to avoid confusing your weed for something else and potentially injuring yourself inadvertently.

The Japanese Maple Tree is one of the first plants on our list that resembles marijuana, often mistaken for it during its early vegetative stages, with its thin stems and vibrant green leaves that resemble those found in cannabis sativa strains.

Cassava plants are another common marijuana lookalikes. These tropical plants possess seven thin leaflets that closely resemble those on marijuana plants and come in vibrant green colors that make it hard to tell them apart from real cannabis plants. Cassava plants are widely used worldwide in cuisines from Taiwanese boba tea to Bermudan cassava pie.

The final plant that closely resembles marijuana is the spider flower. Although this lovely addition to any garden, it can be difficult to distinguish it from marijuana plants due to their similar green flowers and serrated leaves versus smooth and rounded ones of marijuana plants.